An urgent meeting was held on Wednesday 2nd November 2022, at midday to decide if everybody was still alive.
We haven't seen each other as a group, for close on two years.
Things haven't changed, and we are still the grumpy old men from twenty years ago, but now dislaying more grey hair!
We did however decide it was worth continuing updating the PUBS OF SITTINGBOURNE on this web site.
As can be deduced, the meeting went on for quite a few hours, and by the time this photo was taken, we were feeling "Tired - as newts!"
NOTICE: DOG-TAN-IS-ON is now a fully qualified VENTRILOQIST, and can be seen operating the Rev Dave with one hand. Where is other hand is located, is anybody's guess! Ever-Ready still likes to play with himself!
LEFT TO RIGHT: REV Dave; Dog-Tan-Is-On; EverReady.............The MUST-AV-A-Beers!